Our services
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We provide: |
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| | A complete and detailed Security Plan describing all security measures recommended before and during the event |
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| | The selection of an appropriate (local) supplier of security guards |
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| | The preparation of a comprehensive security budget for the event |
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| | The presence of an independent Security Coordinator on location for the duration of the event. |
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Examples of events
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| | Large-scale gathering of employees |
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| | Announcement of a facility closing or relocation |
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| | Press conference in a tense or unfavourable context |
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| | Annual assembly, board members or shareholders’ meeting |
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| | Major outing organised for employees |
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| | Official opening of a new facility |
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| | Crucial meeting with union representatives during tense labour relations negotiations |
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Risk contributing factors
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Our Security Plan takes into account: |
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| | The nature of the event and the prevailing context |
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| | Adverse socio-political and/or economic conditions |
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| | Labour relation issues |
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| | The presence of disgruntled employees at the event |
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| | The presence of demonstrators or activists at the event or in the neighbouring area |
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| | Implicit threats from opponents or subversive groups |
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| | The consumption of alcohol or drugs by participants and/or outsiders, before or during the event |
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| | The density of the attendance during the event |
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| | The infrastructures of the facility that houses the event |
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| | The presence of risk factors not linked to the event but present in the vicinity |
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Our methodology
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We provide expert planning, professional guidance and on-location security coordination: |
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| | Our Security Plan includes a complete assessment of all identified risk-contributing factors |
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| | We screen local suppliers of security guards and make objective recommendations accordingly |
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| | We prepare a detailed security budget for the event |
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| | We coordinate all security measures on location to ensure compliance with the Plan (optional) |
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| | We perform a post-event debriefing highlighting: |
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| | | The strengths and weaknesses of security measures during the event |
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| | | Recommendations in view of forthcoming similar events |
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| | | A security budget reconciliation (optional)
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Other related services
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| Security guards |
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| Risk & Threat Assessments |
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| Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) manuals for security personnel |
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| Selection of a supplier of security guards |
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